Nicolas Poussin

Nicolas Poussin

Jacques Thuillier – Published by Fayard, 1988 Who was Poussin? The father of academicism, an educated man who led painting astray, or the most sensitive and most inspired of artists? Was he pedantic, passionate or wise? Why place him among French painters when all the works we have, almost half a dozen, were painted in … Continue reading Nicolas Poussin

Giovanni Pietro BELLORI (circa 1615-1696)

Born around 1615, Giovanni (or Giovan) Pietro Bellori was a friend of Poussin, he knew the painter after he returned to Rome in 1642. In 1664 he delivered a speech on the Ideal in Art, at a conference at the Academy of St. Luke in Rome, the text of which became the preface of his … Continue reading Giovanni Pietro BELLORI (circa 1615-1696)