Nicolas Poussin, peintre classique du 17e siècle

Alain MÉROT (1951)

Alain Mérot is a professor of the history of modern art at the University of Paris Sorbonne, and a world-famous expert of seventeenth century paintings.

His book on Poussin, published in 1990, is a reference. His first words: “The first painting by Poussin I remember, Les Bergers d’Arcadie (The Arcadian Shepherds), has been reproduced so often and always hung prominently in the Louvre, but it is no longer one of my favourites. However we must believe that this melancholy depiction around a grave has, in his own strange way, an evocative power… ”

Alain Mérot is also a specialist in landscape paintings of Western Europe in modern times, and its climatic works by Poussin and Claude Lorrain.

Further reading:
• Presentation of Alain Mérot on the André Chastel centre’s website (in French)